Things to do When Your Blood Pressure is High

What can i do when my blood pressure is high? A fan just sent this question to me now and i felt i should make the answer in a post form so that my readers can also gain some health info and solutions especially when it comes t high blood pressure. 

Blood pressure

As we know that high blood pressure is one of the main source of death in these days and not only that, but can also bring out other diseases in the body that tends to deteriorates the body bit by bit until death comes. 

There are many things you can do to reduce high blood pressure or when you notice that your blood pressure is rising daily, check the following ideas;

1. Reduce Salt: If you observe that your blood pressure is high, then it will do you lot good to stop or reduce your consumption of salt. Salt contains and the Nacl ion when in excess causes abnormal functioning of the heart.

2. Reduce Sugar: One of the things you need to do when your blood pressure is high is too avoid eating excess sugar. Sugar can make you gain excess weight, and can also cause additional ailments like diabetes.

3. Reduce Fat and Oil: One of the things you need to do when your blood pressure is high is too avoid eating excess fats and oil. This can be gotten from fatty food, fried food and many more. They can make you gain more calories which mat cause more blockage of the health.
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      4. Eat Vegetables and Fruits: When you realize your blood pressure is increasing, then you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Vegetables help in body metabolism and aids digestion with lot of vitamins derived from it.

      5. Talk a Walk: Taking a walk is one of the best exercise for people with high blood pressure. Its never an aerobic exercise or cardio but a good one that frees the heart.

      6. Check Your BP Regularly: The thing you can do when your blood pressure is high to check your blood pressure regularly. Taking note of your BP regularly enables you to closely monitor the health state of your health and the best way to prevent death.

      7. Use Prescribed Drugs: One of the things you can do when your blood pressure is high to take prescribed drugs daily or timely. There are many drugs that suppresses high blood pressure but use the one the doctor prescribe for you should be taken properly and never neglected.

      8. Consult Your Doctor: The most important thing or probably the best thing to do when your blood pressure is high to consult your doctor for proper examination and treatments.

      These are things you can do when your blood pressure is high and how to relatively stay healthy with these deadly disease. Thanks for reading. 


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