10 Vitamins and their Nutritional Values or Benefits to the Body

What are the benefits of vitamins to the body? If you look carefully at the various functions of vitamins in the body, i believe taking fresh vitamins, vitamins or supplement is a necessity. In our primary knowledge of science, we are made to know that vitamins helps in cell and body metabolism, vitamins repair worn out tissues and they contains active minerals which are good for growth.

Maybe if we know the functions of some of the vitamins, we will be motivated to eat more of these vitamins either in tablets or in fruits and stay healthy without the fear of diseases or visit to the doctor on regular basis. 

All the vitamins such as Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K all comes with important nutritional vales and benefits which we will learn as you continue to read this post.

Below are some nutritional values and benefit of various vitamins and why you need to eat them, their functions and their sources.

1. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the most important of all the vitamins despite all of them are important. Its is found in orange fruits and has been known for various functions in the body such as prevention of scurvy, healthy gums and teeth. It aids digestion and help protect the body from physical stress and other harmful effect of toxins from food, water and drugs. It also help in the proper functioning of thyroid glands and adrenal glands.

2.  Vitamin E : Vitamin E is also very good and its function can be overlooked in the body. It plays major role in immune functions, DNA repair, men and women fertility issues, sexual behavior and help protect the body from free radicals which can damage cells. It is found in fruits, nuts, proteins and sea foods.
Vitamins Health Benefits to the body

3. Vitamin B Complex: This is in a combine state of vitamin B. It can be found naturally in some food substance, in capsules or in syrups. Its a combination of vitamin B and other nutrients to help perform some functions in the body. Its helps in the conversion of fat, carbohydrates and proteins into energy. It helps in the build of the body through appetite.Its source includes whole grains, meat, poultry foods, barley, legumes, cow-pea, seeds, nuts, veggies and many more.

4. Vitamin B1 : Another important vitamin out of the Vitamin B family or group is vitamin B1 with lots of health benefits to the body. Its source includes whole grains, meat, poultry foods, barley, legumes, cow-pea, seeds, nuts, veggies and many more.
Its also known as Thiamine and helps in the metabolism of proteins and fat. It also helps build the body, brain cells and tissues.

5. Vitamin B2 : Another important vitamin out of the Vitamin B family or group is vitamin B2 with lots of health benefits to the body Its also called Riboflavin which is necessary for growth , development, and repair of body tissues just like other vitamins. It also helps maintain red blood cells, provides healthy hair, nails, skins and there organs in the body. Its source includes whole grains, meat, poultry foods, barley, legumes, cow-pea, seeds, nuts, veggies and many more.

6. Vitamin B3: Another important vitamin out of the Vitamin B family or group is vitamin B3 with lots of health benefits to the body. Its also known as Niacin which help lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy nervous systems. Its source includes whole grains, meat, poultry foods, barley, legumes, cow-pea, seeds, nuts, veggies and many more.
7. Vitamin B5: Another important vitamin out of the Vitamin B family or group is vitamin B5 with lots of health benefits to the body. Its helps in cholesterol metabolism and production of hormone and also known as anti-stress. Vitamin B5 prevent aging and wrinkles and support the proper function of adrenal glands.
8. Vitamin B6: Another important vitamin out of the Vitamin B family or group is vitamin B6 with lots of health benefits to the body. Its necessary for body growth and maintain a healthy nervous system. Its source includes whole grains, meat, poultry foods, barley, legumes, cow-pea, seeds, nuts, veggies and many more.
It make hemoglobin and increase in amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin in the blood  

9. Vitamin B12 : Its necessary for the development of red blood cells and also helps build a central nervous system. Its also aids in calcium absorption.
Its source includes whole grains, meat, poultry foods, barley, legumes, cow-pea, seeds, nuts, veggies and many more.

10. Vitamin D:  This vitamin is found in foods like cheese, liver, egg yolk, fruits. It helps to produce minerals like calcium which is necessary for strong bones and healthy teeth. It also helps in keeping the skin active and strong and produce more of melanin for skin healthiness and coloration. Lack of Vitamin D leads to skin diseases, brittleness of bones and blood diseases.

11. Vitamin K: This vitamins can be found in foods and supplements.
vitamin k is important and that play a key role in blood clotting, bone metabolism, and regulating blood calcium levels. If in excess in the body, it can lead to worsening case of blood clothing. The source of vitamin K includes
Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, mustard, parsley, and green leaf lettuce. Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Fish, liver, meat, eggs, and cereals

In conclusion, these are the nutritional values and benefits of the various kind of vitamins. As you can see that the functions of these vitamins are clearly stated, the sources of these vitamins and their lack. Thanks for reading.


  1. that is why i like to drink more orange more than anything just to get the benefits of the orange like vitamin C

  2. I love your list of vitamins and their functions. keep it up


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